It The Most Dangerous Of DrugKrokodil Krokodil ( desomorphine ) is a mixture of chemical compounds , which
are used in the manufacturing process desomorphine , making the availability of
materials easily obtained then the addicts can mix their own without being
filtered , most contain very high concentrations of iodine because there is no
definitive measure by them , it
is exactly what can disrupt the endocrine system and cause interference on the
part of its muscles , phosphorus , which attacks bone tissue in the body , as
well as harmful admixtures heavy metals such as lead and antimony , iron , zinc
, which cause nervous system disorders , which are not mineral balanced again as well as inflammation of the liver and
kidneys .
It's going to ruin the whole
body tissue from the skin , liver heart , almost all organs can not survive by
desomorphine this , because it is done by injecting directly into the
bloodstream, it will be draining contaminated blood throughout the body until
none of the organs that are not affected malignancy krokodil (
mesomorphine ) this .
So we can say it is a torture
to myself , because it ensured the wearer will die within a period not long ,
however, so the users must already know the rewards that they get after
consuming this stuff , but once again they can beat the addiction risk posed .
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